Creative And Flexible ‘Made In Mimbre’ Lamp Collection

Creative And Flexible Made In Mimbre Lamp Collection

Mimbre-Mimbre is plant fiber very similar to wicker, that is obtained from the salix plant. It can be used in its natural form as a rod, or can be cut into longitudinal strips for weaving. The material is characterized by its strength and flexibility allowing one to develop numerous creative forms and applications. Claesson Koivisto Rune created a new collection of lamps called ‘Made in Mimbre’, right of this material. There are three models: MEDUSA, CHINITA, BELLOTA; two of them are floor, and one is pendant. The design is rather simple but the shapes are original and ideal for a vacation house, a veranda or a patio.

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Creative And Flexible Made In Mimbre Lamp Collection
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By The Andes House
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Source: cubeme, ckr