It sometimes can be hard to decorate a space for yourself, to take all the necessary features into consideration and to make important decisions about style, colors and comfort. Now imagine how hard it will be to design a room for another person! Decorating a guest room is much more tricky because you never know who will use this room but still there are some things you can take into consideration that will help you to make the space perfect.
First of all, choose your room style and colors – should I remind you that too bright bedrooms prevent falling asleep? Second, create several layers of light, so that your guest could read, watch TV and do whatever he or she likes. Third, create different temperature options and some entertainment. Want details? Here they are.
Create Several Layers Of Light
You may have different guests, and trying to please them all, you’ll need different types of light: chandeliers, pendant lamps, table lamps and LEDs. So your guest can sleep, watch TV, read in bed or do whatever else he wants creating a proper ambience and using lighting options you’ve provided. Lights make rooms cozier, so keep it in mind while choosing lamps.

Keep lamps and lights in the style of your bedroom, here it is a black chandelier with crystals hanging.
Provide Different Temperature Options
Everybody prefers different temperature for sleeping and staying and it’s difficult to guess what your guest will like and if he or she will feel comfortable with the temperature you have. Make air conditioning, add a fireplace, maybe a fan if it’s often hot in your home, and consider some textiles. Choose sheets and blankets that create light, breathable layers. Then, keep a couple heavier covers on hand so guests can access them. This way your guests will be able to choose and decide themselves what they need – light sheets or comfy and warm blankets if it’s cold.

A blue duvet and a pink faux fur cover will make sleeping comfortable and your guest won't get cold.
Offer Some Entertainment
Don’t make your guest feel bored! Provide some entertainment – place a TV, place books and magazines that your guest could read in bed, and of course add wi-fi – people nowadays can’t live without their phones and tablets. Besides, many people like falling asleep with a TV on – create a comfy ambience for your guest.