29 Ideas To Use IKEA Ribba Ledges Around The House

29 ways to use ikea ribba ldges around the house cover

IKEA Ribba ledges make it easy to vary your favorite motifs as often as you like, they are available in different sizes and in black and white to match most of interiors. There are so many ways to use these genius IKEA pieces in your home!

IKEA Ribba Ledges Photo And Artwork Displays

Actually, this is the function that IKEA gave initially to this item. Attach Ribba ledges to the wall where you want them and display your photos, artwork, statuettes and souvenirs. You can use Ribba ledges to decorate the corner of your room, which is usually tricky, but they are cool in size and shape. This wa you won’t spoil the wall drilling them.

Artwork and accessories display.

Artwork and accessories display.

Corner gallery wall on black Ribba ledges.

Corner gallery wall on black Ribba ledges.

Displaying accessories.

Displaying accessories.

Gallery wall on Ribba ledges.

Gallery wall on Ribba ledges.

Scandinavian black and white Ribba accessories display.

Scandinavian black and white Ribba accessories display.

IKEA Ribba Bookshelf And Magazine Rack

Ribba can be used for storing your books and magazines, just attach them where you want and put your books. They are great for kids, you can display their books in their rooms or in playrooms. Attach a Ribba ledge inside your headboard and this way you’ll hide the rack inside and get some additional storage.

Ribba bookshelves above the doorway.

Ribba bookshelves above the doorway.

Ribba kid bookshelves.

Ribba kid bookshelves.

Ribba kids' bookshelves.

Ribba kids' bookshelves.

Ribba kids bookstand.

Ribba kids bookstand.

Ribba magazine and book stand inside the headboard.

Ribba magazine and book stand inside the headboard.

IKEA Ribba Toys Racks And Shelves

Adjust Ribba ledges to display your kids’ toys and collections in their playrooms. Such shelves will make it easier to organize the toys because your kids will place their toys there themselves.

Ribba kids' toy shelves.

Ribba kids' toy shelves.

Ribba toy car shelves.

Ribba toy car shelves.

Ribba toy shelves.

Ribba toy shelves.

IKEA Ribba Coat And Shoe Racks

Ribba may be also used to storing your shoes, sneakers or boots, there are several variants to place them. Attach Ribba to the wall, then adjust a metal holder and hooks to it and hang your clothes, it’s a great option for a small entryway. One more idea is an IKEA Ribba key holder for your entryway – just attach several of them in a row.

Ribba ledge coat rack.

Ribba ledge coat rack.

Ribba shoe shelves.

Ribba shoe shelves.

Ribba entryway coat rack.

Ribba entryway coat rack.

IKEA Ribba Spice And Dishes Racks

Ribba is awesome for any kitchen, you can use them for storing spices, for placing dishes and tableware, to make a tiny tea station with tea, cups and honey or any other way that comes to your mind.

Ribba spice racks.

Ribba spice racks.

Ribba tiny tea station for your kitchen.

Ribba tiny tea station for your kitchen.

Ribba kitchen spice shelf.

Ribba kitchen spice shelf.

Ribba spice rack.

Ribba spice rack.

Other Ideas For Using IKEA Ribba Ledges

Displaying your nail polishes, accessories, tools, making a tiny bedside table or an armrest – you can find a lot of solutions for IKEA Ribba, and it’s ideal for any small or tiny space, IKEA Ribba ledges won’t take much space and will look stylish!

Bathroom shelves.

Bathroom shelves.

IKEA Ribba tool rack.

IKEA Ribba tool rack.

Ribba key holder.

Ribba key holder.

Ribba ledge as a bathroom shelf.

Ribba ledge as a bathroom shelf.

Ribba ledge tiny bedside table.

Ribba ledge tiny bedside table.

Ribba nail polish holders.

Ribba nail polish holders.

Ribba vintage camera shelf.

Ribba vintage camera shelf.