Split Grain Lamp Series Made Of Wood Remnants

Split Grain is a series of lamps create by Los Angeles designer from various wood pieces and lights

Split Grain is a series of lamps create by Los Angeles designer from various wood pieces and lights.

Bringing nature inside is a new hot trend because in big cities we often lack it. Many designers today create fantastic decorations and designs that are inspired by nature.

Designer from Los Angeles Gender Fokler creates lamps from the remnants of trees found in the forests of California. Using precise cuts, Paul creates unique wooden lamps in a minimalist style, which we thought to be impossible: mixing minimalist style and nature in one. Each lamp in this Split Grain series is a part of a tree, lights are built right inside. As every piece of wood is unique and not like the others, every lamp here is unique, too, and can’t be repeated, which makes this series even more precious.

Beautiful shape, natural elegance, something makes these lamps similar to fireplaces – the same wood, the same light. These aren’t only lamps, these are sculptures, and such a piece will definitely add a natural yet very modern flavor to any interior, so hurry up to order one.

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Every piece in this collection isn't just a lamp, it's a minimalist sculpture.

Every piece in this collection isn't just a lamp, it's a minimalist sculpture.

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Every lamp is unique because there are no similar pieces of wood in nature.

Every lamp is unique because there are no similar pieces of wood in nature.

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The designer managed to mix real nature with absolutely modern and minimalist design.

The designer managed to mix real nature with absolutely modern and minimalist design.

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Split Grain alternative to a fireplace as it's also connected with wood.

Split Grain alternative to a fireplace as it's also connected with wood.

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You can easily find a configuration you like.

You can easily find a configuration you like.

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The beauty of natural wood is highlighted in every lamp design.

The beauty of natural wood is highlighted in every lamp design.

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The light is built inside the lamp, so it looks like it's coming out there.

The light is built inside the lamp, so it looks like it's coming out there.

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Reclaimed wood and light - what can be better for decorating a modern space.

Reclaimed wood and light - what can be better for decorating a modern space.