19 Paper Decoration Ideas For The 4th of July

19 Paper Decoration Ideas For The 4th of July
Lanterns and garlands are an indispensable part of any holiday. The 4th of July is, of course, no exception. On this day the decorations should be in the national colors and don’t forget the stars and stripes! The decorations can be various: paper umbrellas, stars garlands, lanterns and door wreaths of different shapes. Paper is... 

12 Garlands And Paper Decorations For Mother’s Day

12 Garlands And Paper Decorations For Mother’s Day
On Mother’s Day not only flowers are decorations that should be in your house. Paper garlands and butterflies are the simplest in crafting and create a feeling of celebrating.  A garland is a traditional idea – but you can make it unusual. Take hearts and letters of colorful wire and hang them on the thread....