25 Smart Bathroom Towel Storage Ideas

25 Smart Bathroom Towel Storage Ideas
Storage is one of the most important things you should think about when designing and decorating your home, and it can be tricky. For example, we all have towels in our bathrooms and storing them is sometimes puzzling, especially if you don’t have enough space for some furniture. Here are some ideas to store towels... 

50 Bathrooms With Exposed Wooden Beams

50 Bathrooms With Exposed Wooden Beams
Wooden beams are a cool rustic decor features – they used to be a must to hold the ceilings but now they are mostly faux and are left or created for decor. We continue spoiling you with awesome spaces with exposed wooden beams, and today’s roundup is dedicated to bathrooms. Ah, bathrooms with wooden beams are... 

69 Greenery And Flower Decor Ideas For Bathrooms

69 Greenery And Flower Decor Ideas For Bathrooms
Green plants and flowers make any space alive, fresh and inviting. Plants in bathrooms are rare, it’s usually not a place for growing anything due to often lack of space, natural light and excessive humidity. But if everything is well organized and the plants chosen are not too capricious, the bathroom can attract by its... 

25 Fun Colorful Bathroom Decor Ideas

25 Fun Colorful Bathroom Decor Ideas
If you love bright spaces and patterns, if bold colors raise your mood, if you feel like much color in your life, you should design your spaces in bright shades, too. We’ve gathered some ideas on colorful bathrooms, take a look and get inspired to bring much color to your life! One Bright Color If... 

60 Cozy Barn Bathroom Design Ideas

60 Cozy Barn Bathroom Design Ideas
Self-isolation is a good time for renovations of all kind to make your a better place to live in. Barn and rustic styles are among the coziest and most welcoming, they are sure to add charm to your space, and we continue telling you about different barn interiors, and after bedrooms, living rooms and kitchens... 

44 Cool And Bold Red Bathroom Design Ideas

44 Cool And Bold Red Bathroom Design Ideas
We keep inspiring you to make renovations in your home while self-isolated – this is a good way to spend a lot fo free time you might have now. A color scheme in any space of your home including your bathroom speaks to your personality. For example, any bathroom decorated in shades of red would...