68 Eye-Catching Square Tile Backsplashes

68 Eye-Catching Square Tile Backsplashes
Scandinavian design is having a moment, and we’ve witnessed one trend, in particular, making its way across the Atlantic: square tile. A staple in Swedish homes for bathroom walls and kitchen backsplashes, square tiles are very friendly on the wallet and are a minimalist’s dream tile. They may be a budget staple in European Nordic... 

69 Striking Black Kitchens To Make A Statement

69 Striking Black Kitchens To Make A Statement
Black kitchens are stylish beyond words and it can handle lots of traffic and cooking. If you aren’t afraid of darker, moody and refined color schemes, a black kitchen is not just a practical solution though; it’s an entire style statement. We’ve rounded the most beautiful black kitchens from Pinterest and some tips and ideas...