24 Elegant Wood Lattice Home Decor Ideas

24 Elegant Wood Lattice Home Decor Ideas
Wood lattice used to be in trend long ago, it was widely used in various coastal and vacation homes for creating space dividers, screens and furniture, too, because wood lattice looks airy and light and lets light in. Right now wood lattice is making a huge comeback, and if you hesitate, look at IKEA Stockholm... 

45 Cool Dorm Room Décor Ideas You’ll Like

45 Cool Dorm Room Décor Ideas You’ll Like
Going to college or sending your kids there? If you are going to have a dorm room, you need to decorate and personalize it somehow. Dorm rooms are often rather small and you still need to accommodate a lot there, and express your personality adding some touches. Let’s see what options you may take and... 

35 Space-Saving Wall-Mounted Furniture And Decor Ideas

35 Space-Saving Wall-Mounted Furniture And Decor Ideas
In our world of small and tiny homes using every possible way to save some space is essential. Flexible furniture, creative storage spaces and functional design is what we need to feel comfy even in the smallest houses and apartments. Using your walls for storage or adjusting your furniture is a great idea, it means...