Beautiful Freestanding Bathtubs for Opulent Bathroom Design from Recor

Beautiful Freestanding Bathtubs for Opulent Bathroom Design from Recor
The Recor company has been founded in 1958 in Portugal and takes one of the leading places in production of different kinds of contemporary cast iron bathtubs. It will present its latest models on prochain Mosbuild 2010. These models are awesome freestanding baths for elegant luxury bathroom designs. They are made of qualitative material and... 
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Creative Bath Themes

Creative Bath Themes
This project by Ukraine designer Andrey Bondarenko is for showing how simple tuning can change usual things. He took one bath model and colored it in creative themes. As he said the concept was made for fun but it could become serious. It’s nice to see that design of so usual things as baths could... 
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