Single and Double Shower Plates – Wings from Boffi

Single and Double Shower Plates – Wings from Boffi
New Wings range of shower heads was presented by Boffi on Salon Internazionale del Mobile 2009. There are single and double ceiling-mounted shower plates with simple square and rectangular shape relatively. They could fit well into any bathroom although they will perfectly match with contemporary bathroom design. Made from brushed stainless-steel shower-heads are simple to... 
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Very Big Bathroom Inspirations from Boffi

Very Big Bathroom Inspirations from Boffi
Having a big bathroom usually is a sign of luxury. Luxury often come together with minimalistic modern design. Sometimes that is so becase big rooms give an opportunity to put necessary things far away from each other. If you will take a look to pictures you’ll see, how Boffi use their own bathroom products to... 
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