53 Built-In Bookshelves Ideas For Your Home

53 Built-In Bookshelves Ideas For Your Home
Built-in solutions are cool for modern homes because they save space and look stylish: even if you have enough space, why not get some more? They also give you the chance to create your very own design that suits your space, style and specific needs. So, let’s have a look at a few great examples... 
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Flexible And Smart Fläpps Shelving System

Flexible And Smart Fläpps Shelving System
Today there’s nothing more popular than modular and flexible furniture, so this shelving system is in trend – Fläpps by Malte Grieb. This is a modular shelving system without rules, a beautiful combination of width, height and shelves. Fläpps can be a combination of three modules, and each of them is a stand-alone shelf that... 
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