Very Practical Wall Socket – Rambler Socket by Meysam Movahedi

Very Practical Wall Socket – Rambler Socket by Meysam Movahedi
Every one knows that usual extension cords aren’t very comfortable and also always prevent the safe walking. Besides these items are capable to spoil any interior design and need a special place to storage them. The concept by Meysam Movahedi that is named Rambler Socket could solve all these problems. The Rambler Socket is a... 
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Luxury and Elegant Sockets and Light Switches by Fede

Luxury and Elegant Sockets and Light Switches by Fede
We would like to offer you to pay a little attention to small elements of your interior design, which are in any room, sockets and light switches. Usually people try to make them almost unnoticeable in order not to spoil a room design. Although you could choose such models, which you won’t want to hide... 
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