Modular Futuristic Garden Office

Modular Futuristic Garden Office
A modular office is the best thing for your work if you work at home but your family disturb you often. Coming January 2012, tetra shed is a new modular building system which, as a single module, has been designed to be a modern garden office. A double module layout has also been designed to... 

Modern Eco-Friendly Garden Studio in London

Modern Eco-Friendly Garden Studio in London is an UK based company that design customizable garden studios. This garden studio in London is one of their works that shows how passionate the company is about modern and eco-friendly design. It’s prefab in cedar and installed on the site as a guest house nestled amongst the trees. The garden studio features a... 

Log House as Garden Home Office Cabin

Log House as Garden Home Office Cabin
If you’ve enjoyed tiny house that serves as quiet home office we covered last week you might also enjoy this Log House because it serves the same purpose. It is located in Hilversum, The Netherlands, belongs to music-entertainer Hans Liberg and designed by Piet Hein Eek. That cozy place isn’t ordinary at all. Log facade...