Colorful Bedroom Design Ideas by Huelsta

Colorful Bedroom Design Ideas by Huelsta
Bedroom is the place where you spent third part of your life. Because of that it worth some time to gather design ideas. Huelsta, Germany manufacturer, makes great furniture for bedrooms and has awesome ideas for bedroom layouts. The clear, straightforward design with attractive surfaces that you can select individually give an ability to create... 
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The Most Futuristic House Design In The World

The Most Futuristic House Design In The World
There are a lot of houses which have modern designs although none of them look as futuristic as Dupli Casa by J. MAYER H. Architects. Dupli Casa is the residence near Ludwigsburg, Germany. The house geometry is based on the house which was there before J. MAYER H. redesigned it. The villa has three floors.... 
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Unique Urban Living Room House in Germany

Unique Urban Living Room House in Germany
How can we breathe new possibilities into modern architecture?? was the question the German architect duo Gabriela Seifert and Götz Stöckmann of Formalhaut posed when designing their new home. The Living Room House in Gelnhause, Germany is quite possibly the town?s main attraction, with its contemporary window-clad white exterior juxtaposed against the neighborhood?s surrounding traditional... 
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