47 Eco-Friendly Driftwood Furniture Ideas To Try

47 Eco-Friendly Driftwood Furniture Ideas To Try
Driftwood is a natural material, which is very budget-savvy, extremely eco-friendly and cool for any type of décor. Designers create dreamy driftwood furniture like chairs, mirrors, shelves, tables and lamps, what’s great about driftwood – it can be left without changes, just put some wood in the floor and add a transparent glass top –... 
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16 Peaceful Indoor Living Wall Designs For Any Home

16 Peaceful Indoor Living Wall Designs For Any Home
Living in the cities we become more and more alienated from the natural world, but we can keep in touch with it. A beautiful wall covered with moss and greenery can be a focal point and a peaceful and relaxing piece in any room, from your home office to the bathroom. A high price is... 
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‘Adopt A Product’ Home Line From Disposed Plastic Containers

‘Adopt A Product’ Home Line From Disposed Plastic Containers
With consideration to solid waste being a major issue, “Adopt a Product” is an eco-friendly line of home objects that uses the structural qualities of disposed plastic containers in their design. In other words, this line of eco-products repurposes disposed plastic containers from ingredient packaging without making changes to the form. Each design, from a... 
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Green Trend: 19 Eco-Friendly And Recyclable Ideas For Home Decor

Green Trend: 19 Eco-Friendly And Recyclable Ideas For Home Decor
Recyclable and renewable materials such as coconut and wood fibers, cardboard and cork are used to make eco-friendly and temptingly tactile screens, wall coverings and room partitions. Bamboo – an eco-friendly, highly renewable material – is used to make bamboo wall cladding. Can you imagine mosaic tiles made from coconut shells? This is a richly... 
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13 Unique Furniture Pieces Made Of Food Wastes

13 Unique Furniture Pieces Made Of Food Wastes
Going green is a hot trend now, and many people including designers start to think about the environment. Why wasting food, why not use it for designs and decor? We’ve rounded up several amazing pieces made only from food, and we’ll start from The Salt pendants made from sea salt and a synthetic binder, which... 
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Sculptural Plant Bondage To Bring Nature Inside

Sculptural Plant Bondage To Bring Nature Inside
There are many ways to bring nature inside the home: open to the outdoor interior, an inner patio, picture windows and many others. But I’ve recently found the most original way I’ve ever seen and it’s called Plant Bondage by Light + Ladder. It’s not just a bondage, it’s kind of an installation. Drawing inspiration... 
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Paving Stones With Holes For Greenery

Paving Stones With Holes For Greenery
Eco-friendly and green ideas become more and more actual and popular because nowadays it’s very important to take care of nature and let it integrate modern life. Caroline Brahme was awarded for creating Grey To Green – it’s a series of paving stones that can “host vegetation”. These paving stones would bring more greenery to... 
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10 Examples of Modern Green Furniture

10 Examples of Modern Green Furniture
Going green is an idea which comes in mind a lot of people nowadays. It helps to reduce bad effects of human race to the planet ecology. Green furniture is the way to create more healthy environment in our homes by adding there living plants. When such furniture also have nice and modern design it... 
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