16 Peaceful Indoor Living Wall Designs For Any Home

16 Peaceful Indoor Living Wall Designs For Any Home
Living in the cities we become more and more alienated from the natural world, but we can keep in touch with it. A beautiful wall covered with moss and greenery can be a focal point and a peaceful and relaxing piece in any room, from your home office to the bathroom. A high price is... 
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Manhattan Micro Loft With Layers Of Rooms

Manhattan Micro Loft With Layers Of Rooms
What a living space can be created on just 425 square feet? An amazing loft! Specht Harpman Architects managed to create a spacious loft in a rather awkward apartment in New York City. By creating “living platforms,” they were able to accommodate all the necessities an apartment might need while keeping the space open and... 
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Absolutely Eco-Friendly And Recycling Furniture For Any Home

Absolutely Eco-Friendly And Recycling Furniture For Any Home
Green way of thinking is what we need today because the ecology is getting worse. Philips Design Probes presents Microbal Home. It’s a domestic ecosystem that challenges conventional design solutions to energy, cleaning, food preservation, lighting, human waste and healthy lifestyle. It’s a cyclical ecosystem that is closed, it acts as a biological machine to... 
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Modern Urban Green Loft Design – Mosler Lofts

Modern Urban Green Loft Design – Mosler Lofts
Modern lofts could be found in any contemporary megalopolis. Seattle is one of those cities and Mosler Lofts is a great example of the 150 loft designs located near the historically vibrant city’s center. From inside to out, the project includes a number of green features which have managed to won some prestige awards. There... 
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