Iconic Chairs and Tables Replicated for Kids

Iconic Chairs and Tables Replicated for Kids
Do you want to help your kids understand what a good furniture design is? If so, you can buy them awesome tables and chairs from littleNEST. These tables and chairs are child-size replications of famous icons of furniture design like the 1956 lounge chair and ottoman, the Ball Chair, the famous 1950’s Egg Chair, the... 
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Cool Kids Table – Chalkboard Table by Eric Pfeiffer

Cool Kids Table – Chalkboard Table by Eric Pfeiffer
Drawing on a usual paper is too dull for children so they want to paint everything in a house. Of course, drawing on tables and wallpapers is much more interesting and cool. It’s too bad that not all parents are ready to share this kids hobby. Chalkboard Table by Eric Pfeiffer is an awesome way... 
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