Kitchen With Folding Panels To Transform The Space

Kitchen With Folding Panels To Transform The Space
If you don’t have enough space you need space-saving functional solutions. This one is for your kitchen by dmvA Architecten. They suggest to hide the kitchen behind the panels. If you need some space and want to hide something – this thing is for you. With this solution you can transform and change any space.... 
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Futuristic Kitchen Concept for Small Room Layout – Rubica by Lodovico Bernardi

Futuristic Kitchen Concept for Small Room Layout – Rubica by Lodovico Bernardi
Recently we have posted about young and creative designer, Lodovico Bernardi, and have already shown one of its interesting products – its very flat folding dining table. Now you could appreciate its another original project – the concept of very functional kitchen for a small room. As a majority of progressive designers Lodovico Bernardi tries... 
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