Cool Natural Stool Of Teak With A Colorful Accent

Cool Natural Stool Of Teak With A Colorful Accent
Nature is harmony, it’s relaxing and calm. Nature around the house and inside brings coziness and relaxation to our lives. A piece of nature in your house is simple Hug Stool by Emo Design. It’s a handcrafted white teak monolithic stool characterized by the use of irregular and worn pieces of wood. The colorful rope... 
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Creative Stool Made Of Painted Metal

Creative Stool Made Of Painted Metal
These stools are a fantastic variant for any office or other place where may people gather. It’s a work of a young designer from Sweden, Andreas Farkas, and the stool is called Dexter. Why ‘Dexter’? In Latin this word means ‘subtle’ and this is the right word to say about this piece. Farkas created this... 
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