Gamma Issa – Modern Casa of Book Lover

Gamma Issa – Modern Casa of Book Lover
Gamma Issa is a modern casa in Sau Paulo, Brazil. Thanks to the climate it is very open, the transition between pool and house is almost transparent. Big sliding windows which serve as one wall of the house helps a lot with that. The exterior is painted in milky white so during the day the... 
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The Most Futuristic House Design In The World

The Most Futuristic House Design In The World
There are a lot of houses which have modern designs although none of them look as futuristic as Dupli Casa by J. MAYER H. Architects. Dupli Casa is the residence near Ludwigsburg, Germany. The house geometry is based on the house which was there before J. MAYER H. redesigned it. The villa has three floors.... 
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