Simple Yet Stylish Bathroom Design With Pixilated Walls

Simple Yet Stylish Bathroom Design With Pixilated Walls
You might already have noticed how cool pixilated bathroom design looks like. Here is an another example of a simple bathroom that features black and white mosaic tiles on some walls. Even though the tiles aren’t form some kind of artwork they look stylish anyway. Besides, the bathroom features a whirlpool tub by Porclenusa, a... 
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Pixilated Bathroom Design Made With Custom Mosaic Tile

Pixilated Bathroom Design Made With Custom Mosaic Tile
We all know that with mosaic tiles we could created very beautiful wall design in bathrooms and kitchens. Although usually only simple patterns come in mind. De Meza + Architecture+ Interiors created much more interesting bathroom design for 2010 San Francisco Decorator Showcase. Pixilated walls that they created with black and white mosaic tiles looks... 
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