This minimalist house is located on a deserted beach 130 kilometers south of Lima, Peru. The site is a large surface of sand naturally deviled on two by a small rock. The main features of the house design consist of a pure white color and a very simple geometry. Such modern design looks like an...
Minimalist House Divided on Two Layers – Cube House by Agraz Architects
Cube House is located in Jalisco, Mexico and designed by Agraz Architects. It has very simple and lightweight geometry which responds to the site’s topography. It’s placed on the hill overlooking the meadow. The first layer of the house is located on the street. It’s inhabitant’s access to the public life which also includes most...
Luxury White House with Carara Marble Around It
This modern estate has an open floor play with 3 levels. It’s highly customized starting with Carara marble throughout the house and exotic wood used throughout the built-ins and doors and ending with curved exterior walls and a lot of high-tech electronic. Automation systems include built-in electronic shades for the windows and doors, central music...
Modern White House Built In The Mountain Slope by Productora
The House in Chihuahua is part of a golf club community in the desert like northern region of Mexico. It was designed partly buried into the mountain slope to accommodate the difference between in temperatures between day time and night time that can vary for about twenty degrees. The interiors are organized around a series...