57 Cool Outdoor Deck Designs

57 Cool Outdoor Deck Designs
We’ve already told you of some terraces, porches, ponds and fountains to design your garden. Now maybe you need a deck – a place covered with wooden planks, kind of a terrace somewhere in your garden. What’s cool about a deck? You may walk barefoot and enjoy natural wood under your feet which is always... 

51 Cool Outdoor Barbeque Areas

51 Cool Outdoor Barbeque Areas
It’s so warm and amazing outside that I can’t imagine a better weekend than inviting some friends for a barbeque. If you love cooking meat, fish, veggies for your friends and family also, you need a good outdoor kitchen and maybe particularly – an outdoor barbeque area. The idea is very simple: just put a... 

Dimmable Outdoor Sammode Light Collection

Dimmable Outdoor Sammode Light Collection
Looking for cool outdoor furniture and lamps for decorating your outdoor spaces? Light them up with amazing lights that we are sharing today! The dimmable outdoor lights of Sammode include the luminaires called Balke, Astrup and Bodom with their rigorous design. They are named after landscape painters and create a perfect ambiance in a garden, on...